FTIR Analysis for Biomolecules

Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) analysis is a powerful technique used for studying the vibrational modes of molecules. It is widely employed in the analysis of biomolecules, providing valuable information about their structure, composition, and functional groups. Here’s how FTIR analysis is applied to biomolecules:

1. Protein Analysis:

  • Amide I and II Bands: FTIR spectroscopy is used to study protein structures by analyzing the amide I and II bands. These bands provide information about the protein’s secondary structure, such as alpha-helices and beta-sheets.

2. Nucleic Acid Analysis:

  • Nucleotide Vibrations: FTIR can be used to study the vibrational modes of nucleic acids. The characteristic bands in the FTIR spectrum can help identify specific nucleotide structures and study DNA/RNA conformational changes.

3. Carbohydrate Analysis:

  • Glycosidic Bond Vibrations: FTIR is employed to analyze carbohydrates by studying the vibrational modes of glycosidic bonds. This is essential for understanding the structure of complex carbohydrates like polysaccharides.

4. Lipid Analysis:

  • Lipid Vibrations: FTIR is valuable for lipid analysis, providing information about lipid composition, saturation, and conformation. It is often used to study membrane structures and lipid-protein interactions.

5. Secondary Structure Determination:

  • Deconvolution Techniques: FTIR spectra can be deconvoluted to extract detailed information about the secondary structure of biomolecules. Tools like Fourier self-deconvolution (FSD) help in better resolution.

6. Protein Folding Studies:

  • Unfolding Transitions: FTIR is used to monitor protein unfolding transitions, providing insights into the stability and conformational changes of biomolecules under different conditions.

7. Quantitative Analysis:

  • Concentration Determination: FTIR can be used for quantitative analysis by correlating absorption intensities with the concentration of specific functional groups.

8. Drug-Biomolecule Interaction Studies:

  • Binding Affinity: FTIR spectroscopy helps in studying interactions between biomolecules and drugs. Changes in vibrational modes can indicate binding affinity and structural alterations.

Advantages of FTIR Analysis for Biomolecules:

  • Non-destructive: FTIR is a non-destructive technique, allowing for the analysis of biomolecules without altering their structure.
  • Sensitivity: It is sensitive to functional groups, making it a valuable tool for studying biomolecular structures.
  • High Throughput: FTIR analysis is relatively fast, enabling the analysis of a large number of samples.


FTIR analysis for biomolecules finds applications in various fields including biochemistry, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and medical research. It is used for quality control, structural elucidation, and studying dynamic changes in biomolecular systems.

FTIR analysis is a versatile tool for studying biomolecules, providing essential information about their structure, composition, and interactions. Its non-destructive nature and sensitivity make it an indispensable technique in biomolecular research.